The following links are listed to provide you with additional online mental health care information. Please also check the additional links provided for physical health for a more comprehensive understanding of your over-all well-being. The following is not meant to be a comprehensive list, nor is it an endorsement of the content of the sites.
Associations & Institutes
- American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
- American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
- American Counseling Association
- American Psychiatric Association
- American Psychological Association
- American Psychological Society
- Center for Mental Health Services
- Mental Health America
- National Institute of Mental Health
- National Mental Health Association
- National Eating Disorders Association
- National Sleep Foundation
- National Women’s Health Resource Center
- The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
- NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Orthopedic and Hand Surgery Office of Dr. Lisa R. Reznick
Suicide Awareness and Hotlines
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
- Suicide Awareness Voices of Education
- Suicide: Read This First
- Keep Dreaming Big
- Give Her Wings, Inc.
- Self-Care for Suicide Prevention among Professionals
- Bipolar Disorder News –
- Depression and How Therapy Can Help
- Depression Screening
- Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)
- Assisted Living for Seniors with Clinical Depression
Anxiety Disorders
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- National Center for PTSD
- Give an Hour— for veterans and their families
- National Center for PTSD Real Warriors (U.S. Department of Defense)— for veterans and their families
- The Gift From Within
- Sidran Institute
Addiction and Recovery
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Alcoholics Anonymous Recovery Resources
- Center for On-Line Addiction
- Helping You From Addiction to Recovery
- Web of Addictions
- Start Your Recovery: Substance Abuse Resources & Support
Eating Disorders
Personality Disorders
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Hidden Abuse/Narcissistic Abuse
- Doctor Ramani
Child Abuse and Domestic Violence
- Childhelp USA®
- Questions and Answers about Memories of Childhood Abuse
- The National Domestic Violence Hotline Website
Developmental Disorders
- provides up-to-date information about prescription and over-the-counter medications, including details about associated side effects.
- is a comprehensive database with information and news alerts about potentially dangerous drugs currently on the market or previously available worldwide.
Domestic Violence, Victim’s Assistance, and Child Abuse
- The National Hotline– Hotline advocates are available for victims and anyone calling on their behalf to provide crisis intervention, safety planning, information and referrals to agencies in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Assistance is available in English and Spanish with access to more than 170 languages through interpreter services. 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
- Brighter Tomorrows – The mission of Brighter Tomorrows in Grand Prairie is to empower survivors of domestic and sexual violence.New Crossroads – Battering Intervention and Prevention Program (BIPP) program.
- Texas Council on Family Violence – 512-794-1133The Texas Council on Family Violence promotes safe and healthy relationships by supporting service providers, facilitating strategic prevention efforts, and creating opportunities for freedom from domestic violence. Dallas Domestic Violence Resources – resource for Dallas and surrounding areas for Domestic Violence information.
- Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs– Download any of the wheels linked to here and use them to inform and educate yourself, family, staff, clients and partners.
- Child Protective Services, For reports of abuse or neglect.
- Child Guidance Center, Services include Therapy Based Services, Collaborative Programs, Family and Community Education Program, Case management Services, Permanency Planning, Professional Training, Internship Opportunities, and a Volunteer Program 214-351-3490
- The Family Place, The Family place hotline, 214.941.1991, offers 24-hour crisis counseling, information and referral for victims of family violence. The mission of The Family Place has been to eliminate family violence through intervention and proactive prevention, extensive community education, advocacy and assistance for victims and their families.
- Excap – Child Abuse Prevention through Parent Aide Mentor Program, Families First, Shaken Baby Syndrome Education, Healthy Families.
- The Women’s Shelter– Services include case management, counseling, specialized children’s programs, transportation, clothing, housing assistance, legal advocacy and links to community resources.
- Safe Haven– exists to eliminate domestic violence in Tarrant County by sheltering victims, by assisting victims to overcome and escape abusive relationships, and by preventing abuse from occurring through intervention and education.
- Genesis Women’s Shelter– To provide quality safety and shelter to battered women and their children through crisis intervention and short-term crisis therapeutics and to reduce the occurrence of domestic violence in the Greater Dallas Area.
- Texas Family Violence Shelters– A list.
- Texas Runaway Hotline – 1-888-580-HELP (4357)
- City Square – CitySquare’s Legal Action Works (LAW) Center provides comprehensive legal services to low-income families who could not otherwise afford legal representation to handle family crises.
Drug and Alcohol Information
- Texas Department of State Health, Substance abuse hotline. 1-877-966-3784
- National Clearing House for Drug and Alcohol Information, 1-800-729-6686
- Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company
- Addiction Recovery During Higher Education
Grief and Loss
- The Warm Place-The WARM Place is a grief support center for children, ages three to eighteen, and their families, who have experienced the death of someone they love in Tarrant County.
- Journey of Hope Grief Support Center– The mission of the Journey of Hope Grief Support Center is to provide support at no cost for children, teens and their families as they learn to mourn the death of their loved one in a safe, caring and nurturing environment.
- The Compassionate Friends– The Compassionate Friends is a national nonprofit, self-help support organization that offers friendship, understanding, and hope to bereaved parents, grandparents and siblings. There is no religious affiliation and there are no membership dues or fees.
Supervised Visitation Centers
- Forensic Counseling Services– Forensic Counseling Services is a member of the Supervised Visitation Network and is committed to providing services that meet and exceed recognized professional standards for supervised visitation.
- FLP Faith and Liberty’s Place facilitate visitation with the non-custodial parent.
- Family Resource Center of Texas– Serving East Texas.
- Other Texas Supervision Centers
Internet Resources for Coparenting and children of Divorce
- Our Online Classes
- Bookstore– Our recommended reading and media.
- AFCC– Handouts and resources for families.
- AOK– Assisting Our Kids offers excellent video vignettes and a recorded live online class for families raising children between two homes.
- Cooperative Parenting Blog– Information and support for co-parenting.
- Sesame Street – With Little Children, Big Challenges: Divorce, Sesame Street has created much-needed resources for families with young children (ages 2-8) as they encounter the tough transitions that come with divorce.
- Our Family Wizard Custody and Communication Made Easy. – The OurFamilyWizard® website – Coparenting and shared/joint child custody management for divorced or unmarried parents. Parenting time, visitation schedules, activities, expenses, messaging, journals and more.
- Up to Parents A very helpful websit supporting coparenting.
- Attorney General of Texas – Publications with helpful information. Video
- Family Support Services – The Family Support Services Division of HHS&VS is the largest provider of basic needs assistance in Travis County. Services are provided at seven community centers – two of the sites are located in central Austin while the other five serve the rural areas of the county.
- Kids in the Crossfire Video
- child-centered site for parents who are ending their intimate relationship. The concept is simple. When parents separate, their kids continue to reside in the family home while parents alternately move back and forth to parent their children in the home. A good article is available here.
- Internet Visitation Dedicated to those wanting to learn more about ‘Virtual Visitation’. If you are a parent or family of divorce and want a better way to communicate with your children when they are not with you, then this site is for you.
- The online lifestyle resource in DFW for single fathers with resources for all fathers.
- Parenting Coordination Central An all inclusive site offering valuable up-to-date information to parents and professionals on parenting coordination. It is a central location designed for professionals to share their experiences and expertise. The goal is to increase awareness and provide educational material on the process of parenting coordination.
- Parent Alienation Awareness Our goal is to educate the general public, the schools, police, counselors, religious leaders, and more, about this growing problem. Our goal is education. We believe that with education comes understanding, and the will and power to stop the emotional and mental abuse of children.
- Divorce Recovery Suite Divorce chat room, state statutes, collaborative law center, virtual library, and other resources for divorcees.
- Born Learning An innovative public engagement campaign that helps parents, caregivers and communities create quality early learning opportunities for young children.
- Child Care – Search for child care in Texas.
- Kids Metroplex A list of parent resources for Dallas and Fort Worth.
- Coparent Pro Software to assist coparenting.
- Video on Virtual Visitation Good Morning America: Robin Roberts Covering Virtual Visitation
- Share Kids is a secure online service designed to assist in co-parenting management – providing tools to manage ‘share / access schedules’, communications and correspondence, medical information, shared expense and support accounting , personal records, activities and events, friends and contacts, school info and homework, diaries, photos albums and much more. A comprehensive ‘privilege manager’ allows guests and relatives to see only what you want them to see.
- Comamas Support for the mother and stepmother.
- Divorce Net The Net’s Largest Divorce Resource since May 1995! Search for professional services and resources for each state. Visit their interactive bulletin boards on Custody & Visitation, Divorce Mediation, Parenting Issues, Stepfamily Issues.
- Legal Help USA Professional legal aid is now available from a nationwide team of expert lawyers that provide help and assistance with all legal related issues.
- Millenium Divorce Sign up for their free newsletter, read their articles, and review laws for your state.
- Kids In The Middle Kids In The Middle in St. Louis, MO helps children, parents and families thrive during and after divorce through counseling, education and support.
- JointParents Raising a child after a divorce or separation is challenging for parents. provides the tools to keep parents well organized and communicating effectively.
- Kids Watch Allows you to specify the time your children can spend on the computer, access the Internet or play games. Time Control helps you block unwanted software from being downloaded, prevents overuse and helps you to balance your child’s day.
- Child Welfare League of America CWLA is an association of almost 1,200 public and private nonprofit agencies that assist over 3.5 million abused and neglected children and their families each year with a wide range of services.
- Special Needs Family Offers family friendly fun and special needs resources to enhance the quality and fun of family life with special needs.
- Babycenter Your complete resource for pregnancy and baby. The site is dedicated to helping other expectant and new parents find the in-depth information, a supportive community, and thousands of baby and maternity products they need. This site is a great site for providing information related to behaviors of infants and toddlers, such as separation anxiety that can be expected from raising children in two homes.
- Positive Parenting Online Dedicated to providing resources and information to make parenting rewarding, effective, and fun.
- Shared Parenting Information Group Promoting responsible shared parenting after separation or divorce.
- Families Through International Adoption FTIA helps families learn about international adoption.
Good Articles/Blogs
- Newsweek Article Written by a Child Who’s Parent’s Lived a Large Distance Apart
- Rhonda Hopkins– Resources for family court
- Your Social Worker Helping folks resolve problems related to personal, marital, child, adolescent, family, parenting, separation, divorce, and child custody and access issues with services such as counselling, mediation, assessment and more.
Paternity Testing
Financial Abuse